Magician Dynamo levitates beside London double-decker bus in eye-catching Pepsi MAX PR stunt

By on Monday, June 24, 2013

British magician Dynamo seemingly levitated next to a red double-decker, steadying himself with one palm on the top of the bus. The stunt was to announce his partnership with Pepsi MAX, kickstarting the brand’s ‘live for now’ campaign.

Standing at the bus’ side with his feet dangling in mid-air, he left from Millbank before the number 543 bus (this Guardian piece tells us there isn’t a number 543 in service) passed London landmarks such as Big Ben and the  Houses of Parliament. Jonathan Creek would have already worked out how it was done, but us mere mortals should all just sit back and appreciate what is a very nice visual stunt.

Dynamo levitates

Source: Tyler Peters, who went down to watch and tweeted about it

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