Man dangles from building in O2 #workanywhere PR stunt

By on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A stunt today for O2 will see a man dangle from a wall while working at a desk in Great Eastern Street, London, to prove the phone company’s ‘work anywhere’ message.

There’s a live-stream here at the bottom of this O2 page and the man in question is Caspar 01

Twitter reports state that crowds are already starting to gather. Here’s a picture of the desk he’ll be working at today:

O2 wall dangling Caspar 01

Nice work O2, throwing money at stunts is no match for simple and relevant creativity.

Also, Soul Calibur V is a new video game release. Given that O2 could have chosen anywhere for this, there has to be some sort of tie-in, as the game will undoubtedly feature in any and all pictures of the #workanywhere stunt. Here’s a recent stunt Namco Bandai did for the game, where they carved characters into a mountain.


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