Paddy Power sends giant ugly babies around London in royal birth stunt

By on Monday, July 1, 2013

I’ve always been a big fan of Paddy Power‘s ridiculous stunts, so was excited to see what they’d come up with for the royal birth.

Keeping it as outlandish as ever, the bookies sent four grown men dressed as oversized babies to various locations across London.

royal baby 1

Complete with nappies, crowns and horrific masks, the ‘babies’ are quite the frightening sight –  however they’ve done the trick, with Metro and the Evening Standard among the first to pick up the story.

royal baby 2

The babies posed on the Tube, in front of Buckingham Palace, royal hotspot Boujis and St. Mary’s Hospital, where the royal baby will be born in around two weeks’ time.

Paddy Power strikes again.

Involved agency: Taylor Herring

Image Credit: London Evening Standard


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