How James Blunt p***** off a nation – PR fail

By on Monday, July 29, 2013

In a dubious marketing move to mark his comeback, British chart-topper James Blunt sent a mass e-mail that reached millions of users across the UK – many most definitely not on his mailing list.


The e-mail was designed to look like it had been sent exclusively, with the subject stating ‘I’d like you to be the first to hear my new single’ with the following message, which included a link to new song Bonfire Heart on SoundCloud.

james blunt 2

Blunt laughed off the incident with the below tweet:

James Blunt

A raft of less than impressed recipients took to Twitter to express their anger at having been spammed, causing the singer’s name to trend. Receiving negative publicity in Metro, the GuardianDigital Spyheat and the Independentthe ploy has certainly put his new single on the map – but at what cost?

Only time will tell if Bonfire Heart will be a red hot hit or a total inferno (had to).


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