Billboard magazine give issues away for free… but only if you’re a true lover of music.

By on Saturday, August 17, 2013


I think it’s safe to say, 2013 has definitely been the year of the ‘vending machine stunts’.

Brands are looking at different ways to interact with people by disrupting them whilst they go about their daily lives, and getting them to engage back at the same time.

Billboard Magazine created the ‘Fan Check’ machine, which is actually pretty clever.

It works by you plugging in your iPhone, and the machine automatically checks to see if you have over 20 songs featuring the artist on the front cover. If you do, congratulations, you get the magazine for FREE.

They aim is to show Billboard Magazine as being a magazine dedicated to true fans of music, packed with interviews and music reviews/charts covering more genres than you can shake your butt at.

I think this is amazing using technology to bring the brand closer to the youths of today, but I’m more amazed Joss Stone has 20+ songs!!

Check out the video to see it in action:

Agency: Ogilvy Brazil

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