Saints Row IV released as $1million promo edition – complete with plastic surgery and a trip to space

By on Friday, August 30, 2013

Computer game publishers are no strangers to big budget launches. Remember the flight of a Halo Glyph over London?

But Deep Silver, publisher of the Saints Row game series, has turned the formula on its head. They’re asking for no less than (best Dr. Evil fingers at the ready everyone) $1 million on a special edition of the new Saints Row IV game.

Saints Row IV wad wad

The limited edition “super dangerous wad wad edition” is available exclusively through for the bargain price of $1m (or around £645,000 for currency conversion fans). For that much you get more just get a special version of the game and some cheap merch. In fact, you get:

  • Commander in Chief Edition of the game
  • A Virgin Galactic trip to space
  • Full-size replica of the Dub-Step gun (in-game weapon)
  • A ‘Hostage Rescue Experience’
  • Plastic surgery
  • Spy training day
  • Personal shopper
  • Capsule wardrobe
  • 7 night stay in the Top Royal Suite at the Burj-Al-Arab in Dubai
  • A week for two at the Jefferson Hotel in Washington DC
  • First class flights to both Dubai and Washington DC
  • A Toyota Prius and one year’s insurance
  • A year’s super car membership

It may sound like a random mix, but the activities actually tie nicely to the in-game stories of the Saints Row series. The newest game sees the player take on invading aliens, while a past game sees him/her go through extensive plastic surgery (in prison mind you, hopefully not the case here).

Now this isn’t technically a launch, but the idea that the special edition was done for any reason other than marketing is pretty thin. It’s also garnered some high profile coverage, including The Guardian, NBC News, Forbes, The Verge and CNET (although it hasn’t all been positive).

Image credit: The Verge

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