If your jumper’s a Zero, Coke’s your hero!
By Dev Mistry on Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Coke Zero, the calorie deficient soft drink, has taken on the mammoth of all Christmas Worries – The Dreaded Christmas Jumper. In this digital competition users are encouraged to create their “Ideal Christmas Jumper” which is then put to a public vote. The winner wins a the jumper they designed plus a range of other Coca Cola goodies.
For the next two weeks, the public have the opportunity to design and create their ultimate Christmas jumper, however tacky and itchy it might be. Armed with an array of designs and patterns, this jumper extraordinare is set to be hotter than well… your Christmas Turkey?
Participants are encourage to get their jumper shared and voted for, as come Dec. 1, a lucky 100 winners will have their hand crafted jumpers created and sent to their creators in time for the holiday.
Already this has taken off on social media, with a wide range of jumpers being created and share. Coke has taken a mundane, boring and sometimes hated item of clothing and made it desirable without getting one of the Kardashians to wear it to an after party.
To find out more head to: https://www.cokezero.com/sweatergenerator
(or to vote for my Christmas Beauty, which I strongly suggest you do, click here!)