GAME Hires Nine-Year-Old to Advise Parents on Games for Christmas

By on Wednesday, December 11, 2013

GAME have come up with the ingenious idea of giving parents help this Christmas by creating a clever, tongue-in-cheek video where a  “Non Executive Director of GAME Junior” gives clueless parents advice on what games to get their children this Christmas. Aimed at parents who “don’t know their Moshi Monsters from their Skylanders” Joe Leslie has been brought on board to give an insight into the different games on offer in store and which ones are must-have for kids this Christmas.

Game Junior Advisor 2

The piece is accompanied by stats that 1 in 3 parents have been confused when shopping for games, and that 1 in 5 have bought their kids the wrong item, so it’s clear that Joe has an uphill battle to make sure no children are disappointed come the big day. With pick-up in national media and the video picking up significant interest on social media, this is a really fun and innovative idea by MHP Media on behalf of GAME to boost awareness in their products and customer service in the run up to a busy Christmas period.

They’ve had a very strong December at GAME, also getting widespread coverage for a campaign which offers busy gamers an all-day Christmas meal in a tin – dubbed “Christmas Tinner”. The canned delight, aimed at gamers who are too busy playing their new Xbox One/PlayStation 4 to cook a Christmas dinner includes everything you’d need on Christmas day, including a fried breakfast, turkey, trimmings, Brussels sprouts, Christmas pudding and minced pies.


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