The Game Of Thrones Wall Rises In London

By on Monday, February 17, 2014

Street artist Joe Hill has recreated Game Of Thrones’ famous wall to promote the Season 3 DVD release of HBO’s hit series.

The 3D promotional artwork was installed in London’s Liverpool Street  in a 2D space measuring just 10 metres by 7.5 metres.


Digital Spy reports; ‘fans and passers-by are encouraged to interact with the artwork and ‘scale the wall’, putting themselves in the position of Wildling or following in the footsteps of Jon Snow himself.’

The artwork remained on London’s streets for a mere six hours, with the final viewers and fans “scaling the wall” at 3:30pm today, according to the Radio Times.



Joe Hill, who founded the street art team, said: “We knew we had to do something really special to match the sheer scale of this phenomenal TV show that has swept the globe. That’s why The Wall in 3D works from more than one angle – making it a first in the 3D art world.”

via @diytv

via @diytv

Brace yourselves. Season 4 is coming.

Involved agency: Premier

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