Rocky Mountain High

By on Tuesday, April 10, 2012

No, not the American country song by John Denver.  A clever integrated campaign to promote Alton Towers using a chocolate climbing wall of course.

 Mt. Rocky was succesffuly unveiled today by celebrity acrophobic Peter Andre (launch campaign created by consumer pr agency CowPR). In partnership with chocolate biscuit brand Rocky, the climbing wall isn't just a clever stunt for the theme park but infact a call to action for families to become more adventurous. (with chocolate?).

The overarching idea was created by advertising agency Mother, with Mt. Rocky allowing Brits the chance to tackle a chocolate scented boulder wall and scramble through a biscuit crumb grotto. The summit of the chocolate cliff face stands at 10m tall with a  cascading chocolate waterfall flowing at a rate of 70,000 litres per hour.

If unlike Peter Andre you are too scared to tackle your fears you can still get involved from a viewing area, which will feature scratch-n-sniff chocolate scented seating. The installation will be the largest scratch-n-sniff structure in the world with all the paint used on it impregnated with micro-encapsulated aroma molecules. Apparently, visitors will be able to smell it a half a mile away. I'm wondering how many people are going to try and eat this campaign?

The Rocky chocolate climbing wall will be at Alton Towers Resort from Tuesday 10th – Sunday 15th April from 10am until 6pm.

Source: @thisiscow


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