McDonald’s give 24 gifts of joy for 24 cities in 24 hours

By on Monday, April 13, 2015

McDonald’s sent out 24 gifts of joy to 24 global cities over the course of 24 hours on the 24th of March.

Kicking of with a coffee cup-shaped ball pit in Sydney, the campaign called imlovinit 24, created 24 totally unique experiences in selected cities around the world.


Ranging from an ice coupon machine in Rio de Janeiro to a jingle bench in Warsaw, while the streets of London got a surprise performance with the Jessie J Boom Bus.

McDonald’s launched the campaign in a battle to beat their recent decline in sales with figures reported to be the worst in over a decade. Using innovative ideas and what we can safely assume is a pretty hefty checkbook, they created 24 stunts that dominated social media.

While many might debate the best stunts of the campaign, we are quite doubtful that the Crazy Straws stunt in Argentina and the McBike-Thru in Copenhagen would pass health and safety laws in Britain.


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