Walls wheels world’s first miniature ice cream van into an office in Amsterdam
By Craig Knowles on Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Some stunts can amaze you, some stunts can bring a tear to your eye and other stunts….well, some stunts you worry about the poor soul who had to pitch it to his boss, and yes – this is one of those.
Introducing the very latest in the ice cream van industry, a car that can turn tighter corners than Aaron Paul around the ‘Hammerhead’, a van that is more aerodynamic than a Ferrari and an exterior that is more stylish than a pink Porsche, it is of course the ‘Walls Miniature Ice Cream Van’.
This ice cream truck can fit in office elevators, sneak past your boss’ office and still deliver Cornetto’s and Calippo’s to your colleagues. Whilst this might not be ‘coming to an office near you’ as they claim, it does make you wonder about what else you can miniaturize….
Involved agency: DDB & Tribal Worldwide Amsterdam