Duck PR Fever

By on Thursday, May 28, 2015

It seems as though everyone has gone quackers for a duck related story in the news recently.

Last week, we’ve seen duckling campaigns appear up and down our Twitter feeds, and one campaign from The Canal & River Trust saw official ‘duck lanes’ being opened alongside canals in London, Birmingham, and Manchester. The temporary initiative has been launched to raise awareness among young people (and animals) about narrow walking spaces in the country, as part of their “Share Space, Drop Your Pace Campaign”.


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Another campaign this month saw launch a national search to find an official bath tester. After an advert was placed in The Metro, owners put their ducklings forward for the role before interviews took place at Bathrooms HQ. The search is in its final stages, and submitted ducklings can find out more about the role on the official bath tester website.

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Both campaigns gained widespread national and international coverage, with US Huffington post covering the duck lanes from across the pond, and The Metro including the bath tester recruitment process after the advert featured in print, placing the story online to their 8 million monthly visitors.

Also in the news of the same week was a heartfelt story of Ian Lamble, a 51-year-old painter and decorator who found and saved a duckling egg whilst at work. After the duckling hatched, it was left with no choice but to assume Ian as it’s official guardian, and now follows Ian around everywhere he goes. Ian even named his adopted duckling Pumpkin, and their pictures together have been one of the main leads of the story so far.

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