UK’s only Rabbit Grand National

By on Monday, April 23, 2012

For the past 90 years the Burgess Premier Small Animal Show has hit the small North Yorkshire town of Harrogate. This year, a PR stunt made the show bigger and better than ever and that was the introduction of the UK's only Rabbit Grand National! In a year where everyone is going mad for sports, both ordinary and different, the result of this event was a remarkable 10,000 visitors during the weekend's show – a significant increase on last year.

The stunt and quirky event grabbed media attention from UK nationals, US publications, online websites and blogs to consumer magazines and people travelled far and wide to see the show.

This PR stunt and added event seemed to change the dynamics of the show, from the original breeder’s event where specialist small animal breeders would come and judge their pets, to include a family fun ‘day-out’ also.

Hatch Communications are the agency which created the Rabbit Grand National and supports the show, alongside the overall sponsorship of Premier Partner, Burgess Pet Care.


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