P0rnhub set to film scene in space

By on Thursday, June 11, 2015

Without doubt space is the final frontier for stunts.

In PR, we’ve seen everything from underwater cabinet meetings to drinking beer out of the bodies of dead animals. But when it comes to stunts in space we’ve seen very little of late. That is until notorious fapsite P0rnhub decided to create an industry first by filming PRON (damn you Google Adsense bots) in space.


To make this dream become a reality, the company has launched a crowdfunding effort on Indiegogo to raise the $3.4 million needed the finance the operation. In reward for your donation they offer various rewards such as $10 for a certificate of endorsement proving that you support the effort and for $100 you could get yourself a signed HD copy of the film, a t-shirt and a swag bag. If you decided to fork out a cool $20,000 you’ll be allowed to plan an entire scene in the movie – alien costumes, terrible script and  zero-gravity positions and all…

Having gathered $8,301 in one day, the $3.4 million target might still be a bit ambitious, but then again who doesn’t want to hear Johnny Sins (the lead male actor in all this) butcher the famous lines “Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the star-ship Enterprise…”


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