Top 10 PR and marketing stunts and campaigns of June 2015

By on Wednesday, July 1, 2015

You’d expect me to say this, but I think we have a craaaaacking list of campaigns this last month. It’s less than a third of what’s been posted throughout June though, so do go back and have a read. Before getting started, two quick things:

  1. If you have seen/are working on a stunt/campaign you think should be featured on the site, tweet me @RichLeighPR or email me – rich at prexamples dot com. It’s easy to miss examples, so we do really appreciate submissions.
  2. If you’d like to benefit from discounted custom journalist requests – HARO/Response Source-style – we’ve managed to arrange an exclusive offer for subscribers/readers. There aren’t many discounted sign-ups left though, so if it sounds like something you/your agency might like, scroll down to the end of the post where there are more details.

AAAALRIGHTY, THEN. Here, in reverse order (and based solely on the number of unique views each post received), are the top ten PR and marketing campaigns throughout June 2015:

10. Absolutely brilliant! A revenge stunt that fooled us all – post by PSI’s Laura Wilkey

A newly divorced man who appeared to enact revenge against his cheating wife by cutting his possessions in half turned out to be a PR stunt by a German legal company – but not before the video below hit 6m views.

9. White Walkers launch attack on the streets of London – post by Craig Knowles


To celebrate the digital release of Game of Thrones season four which ended on Sky Atlantic this week, Londoners were surprised by 7ft ice giants walking around the city.

8. Holograms appear of disabled people if you park in their bay – post by PSI’s Laura Wilkey

Russian non-profit Dislife created this campaign, in which a hologram of a real disabled person appeared when a non-disabled driver tried to park in a disabled bay.

7. Hidden coffee machines bring pedestrians together in Berlin – post by Craig Knowles

Nescafe coffee machines equipped with cameras were hidden in traffic signals, along with a message to ‘push together’. The machines were linked to pedestrians on either side of the crossing, rewarding them for pushing together with a warm cup of coffee.



In a stunt organised by National Geographic to promote its new documentary, T-Rex Autopsy, a 15m long T-Rex was driven through the streets of London.

5. Learning the importance of Sunscreen with Nivea Doll – post by LSI-TEC’s Johny Ho

Nivea handed a photo-sensitive doll to mothers and children aged 3+ in Rio de Janeiro. By watching the doll’s skin turn red after spending short time under the sun without sunscreen, children were able to learn the importance to wearing sunscreen.

4. Ben & Jerry’s rename Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough to “I Dough, I Dough” in same-sex marriage celebration

B&J gay marriage

To celebrate the legalisation of same-sex marriage across the US, Ben & Jerry’s has renamed its Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream to I Dough, I Dough for the summer, at participating Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Shops nationwide.

3. A beer brand has erected an imposing billboard that might just make you stare – post by PSI’s Laura Wilkey – her third post in this month!

In short, this is filth from beer brand Republica Parrillera Pilsner.

2. Brands and street signs drop As, Bs and Os from logos to highlight National Blood Week


In a much-lauded NHS PR campaign, brands, publications and even street signs dropped the As, Bs and Os from their logos, asking the public to ‘fill in the g_ps’. Expect to see this one crop up a lot come awards time.

1. Saving lives with Samsung “Safety Trucks” – post by LSI-TEC’s Johny Ho

A built-in camera was added to the front of a truck, feeding real-time footage of the road to four Samsung screens on the truck’s rear wall. This live film played continuously, making nearby drivers aware of their surroundings, aiming to reduce traffic collisions.


I was recently introduced to It’s a kind of HARO/Response Source for social media – delivering categorised and bespoke PR opportunities from Twitter, straight to your inbox.

The current earlybird price is £15 a month, but (and given I generally avoid products unless I think they’re relevant/beneficial to the audience), I asked if subscribers/readers could get a further exclusive discount, and the lovely chaps said they’d be happy to provide 30% off.

There are only 15 or so discounted accounts left, so if it sounds like something you’d like:

  1. Have a look at to see if it’s something you/your company/agency would benefit from and then…
  2. Use this custom link – – to sign up and claim your 30% discount, making it just £10.50 a month, forever. (You can customise alerts and unsubscribe at any time though, so well worth looking at).

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