How much is that doggy on the emoji board?
By Lydia Bryant on Monday, September 7, 2015
Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity has carried out a great campaign with brand communications agency Surname & Surname. To raise awareness of the charity, the first dog emoji keyboard was created, representing 23 of the most popular breeds.
Taking that step further, each character represented a real dog at Dogs Trust, who were looking for their forever home. The keyboard was launched to coincide with National Dog Day on the 26th August – great timing. In addition the campaign was supported by a ‘dogtionary’, which was sent to key influencers online detailing the dog behind the emoji.
The campaign was a success of course, with over 8,000 app downloads and trending number 1 on the iTunes apps store chart. The UK is one of the largest dog owner countries in the world and many appreciate the personalised characters, because no two dogs are the same!
The result was great coverage in the press and lots of page views for the now celebrity emoji dogs in need of rehoming. I have no doubt that animal charities across the country will be following suit in some way.
Darcy from the Glasgow Dogs Trust centre represents the mix breed emoji.