Shocking billboard raise awareness for the rights for people with disabilities.

By on Thursday, December 3, 2015

On November 30th a multi-platform campaign was started combining live and online elements, to raise awareness about the importance of the benefits for people with disabilities.

Credited to group a named Movimento pela Reforma de Direitos (Movement for Rights Reform), the campaign titled for ‘the end of privileges for the disabled went online with an Online Petition, a Facebook Page and put a Billboard in a major street in the city of Curitiba. The online messages were more specific attacking specific “privileges” that disabled people have access to.

The negative reactions and outrage against the campaign went viral within very short hours, which was the actual goal from it all.


The following day, it was revealed it was all part of the campaign from Municipal Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities from the city of Curitiba, to raise awareness for the rights for people with disabilities. An additional message was added to the Billboard  and to the online postings: “if so many of you were outraged by this, why do so many of you still disrespect them“.

A personal message from the President of the Council was also posted on the Facebook Page for City Council of Curitiba.

 “Hello, I’m Mirella Prosdocimo, President of the Municipal Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. And I’m here to talk about this movement’s campaign for reform of Rights.
I know you were shocked by the claims made by the Movement. And the shock you felt in the face of absurd proposals is our relief.
We put out this campaign . And we can draw the attention of millions of people for our rights. Because the disrespect that shocked people on the Internet, and still occurs in real life.
The outrage from the internet lasted only one day, but people with disabilities face such a disrespect daily. Affirmative policies exist so that people with disabilities can live in dignity.
So, we decided to take advantage of that Thursday, 03 December is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, to raise this issue. That everyone who was outraged on the web is a real voice in the struggle for respect for our rights. Not be silent at the sight of a disabled person being disrespected or discriminated against. Denounce it. Don’t be just outraged online. Let this be a positive attitude for millions of people be an example for society to be more inclusive. And that is a model for all of Brazil. Because we represent  over 24% of the population. 300 000 only in Curitiba. We are many. And we have no privileges. We have rights. “

Source: HuffPo Brasil

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