Fitbit takes steps for Sport Relief
By Becca Bateson on Tuesday, March 22, 2016
With Sport Relief being in full force after Fridays bi-annual broadcast, Fitbit has got involved and staged a giant obstacle course to get people active.
On Sunday the 20th March the branded obstacle course was set up at London’s Olympic park, as part of a Sport Relief event in the same area.
The course which was aimed at over 12’s, was compiled of 8 installations including a giant washing up bowl ball pit containing 14,000 plastic balls, and a piano installation that tested attendees’ balance and agility as they stepped over the individual keys.
All of the obstacles were based on everyday activities, including a zip wire that was designed to resemble a washing line, an escalator that participants could climb, and a tunnel of hanging impact bags, which participants could tackle symbolising the ‘scrum’ of the daily commute.
On Twitter Fitbit used the hashtag #stepsforgood to share some of the fun experiences of the day.
The Halo Group designed and built all components of the course, using its modular steel build system as a framework. The agency’s production team pre-fabricated all cladding elements prior to the event, and they were later branded on-site. The agency worked within a 12 hour time frame to complete the course.