RNLI set up bizarre seawater pop-up

By on Wednesday, August 31, 2016

To highlight the tragic deaths that take place on the UK coastlines every year, the RNLI has set up an unusual pop-bar serving just bottled seawater – yucckkk. This weird venue is the first of its kind and will launch at Pop Brixton, on September 8th. 

The pop-up, named The Bottle, hopes to raise awareness around the dangers of swimming in the sea and will be serving 10 different regional varieties of seawater including “Cornish Surf” and “Thames Wash”. The unappetising beverages will not be on sale, but instead will carry warnings on the label about the coastlines each product was sourced from.

For example “Cornish Surf” will warn: “Infused with rip currents, surging waves and slippery rocks, this water can create dangerous swimming conditions”.

This thought provoking campaign works perfectly in creating awareness around a serious subject by using relevant and creative PR techniques. 



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