TodayTix launch the world’s first ‘silent’ snack range
By Georgia Hann on Friday, September 16, 2016
Ever been to the cinema/theatre and had to experience the annoyance of people around you munching on their popcorn or slurping their drinks? I know I have!
In the bid to to combat noisy theatre eaters, TodayTix, London’s on-demand theatre ticket app, launch the world’s first ‘silent’ snack range.
TodayTix collaborated with renowned food developers Teatime Productions to create the exclusive time limited range; including fruit slices to replace crisps, ‘muffled’ truffles to replace chewy chocolates and gas free drinks. Also the snacks come in material pouches, meaning having to listen to rustling sweet wrappers will be a thing of the past. Amen!
To coincide with the snack range TodayTix also did some research and discovered that over half of Brits (54%) said rustling food wrappers are more annoying than latecomers to a show. Also (36%) Brits are self conscious of eating during a show in the fear of disrupting their neighbours.
The Silent Snacks will be available to purchase on the TodayTix app on Tuesday 13th September for select shows and will be sold on a first come first served basis.
All though I am not sure about replacing crisps with fruit slices and banishing coke for a flat version, I can definitely get on board with banishing noisy cinema eaters!
This campaign has received fantastic coverage across various websites including,, and
(Agencies involved: Frank)