‘Historically accurate’ Mr. Darcy portrait created to promote Jane Austen season
By Lydia Bryant on Thursday, February 9, 2017
Mr. Darcy is one of Jane Austen’s most loved character’s, one that has always been portrayed by actors as tall, dark and handsome.
However a study, conducted by UCL professor John Sutherland and Amanda Vickery of the Queen Mary University of London, as part of a five-week campaign – dubbed ‘Jane Austen Season’ on the Drama channel- has indicated otherwise.
Apparently men in Jane Austen’s era had powder white hair, long pointed chins and sloping shoulders. Illustrator Nick Hardcastle created a portrait of Mr. Darcy according to the study’s results – although I speculate how accurate the ‘results’ are.
The portrait and study has gained significant coverage in the national print and digital press so all in all a well executed PR campaign! I think it may have something to do with a large amount of people swooning of Mr. Darcy ever since Pride & Prejudice was published in 1813.
(Agency: Taylor Herring)