Forget ripped, it’s time for ribbed as Durex India launches jeans

By on Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Durex India surprised fans on social media this morning with the launch of #DurexJeans – honestly.

Indian brand ambassador, Bollywood favourite Ranveer Singh, appeared in a cheeky teaser video as the first person to try on the latest fashion must have. Apparently it was a perfect fit…


According to Durex India’s marketing director, this is a natural progression for the brand which is “young, hip, adventurous, zesty and at the same time reliable and safe”. I guess I’d rather my jeans didn’t split, just like my condoms!

No clue on what the jeans will look like and no word on if the UK will be following suit, but the jeans are set to be on full display on the 25th March.

If I’m honest, I’m not really feeling this campaign, the link feels a bit forced and I’m not entirely sure who the target audience in India is. Having said that, I’m happy to be proved wrong when the actual jeans are revealed.

One positive thought – guys can finally ask for Durex in a 32″ and actually be telling the truth!

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