Period Pad plasters aim to destigmatize menstrual hygiene around the world
By Holly Freeman on Wednesday, October 18, 2017
The 11th of October marked #dayofthegirl which aims to highlight challenges girls face throughout the world, while promoting girls’ empowerment and their human rights. ‘Plan International UK’ launched its new campaign supporting #dayofthegirl with a fun new product.
Aiming to tackle the stigma around menstrual hygiene the company created boxes of ‘plaster pads’ and sent them to celebrities and influencers to highlight that periods are nothing to be ashamed of. The box which contained four types of plaster were all in the shape of mini period pads. Each plaster stated different messages, such as blood–schmud, blood is blood, justblood and the hashtag the campaign followed #WeAllBleed.
The campaign has been very successful and been supported by celebrities such as the likes of Game of Thrones star Lena Headley. The campaign has also picked up coverage in the Drum, Campaign and Creativity and has got lots of attention across social media.
I really like this campaign and think it’s a creative and effective way of highlighting the organisation and #dayofthegirl itself!