New Heineken video seeks to prove watching footie is scientifically better with friends

By on Friday, May 25, 2018

The majority of Ukrainians watch the UEFA alone.

For that reason, WE ARE Pi collaborated for the first time with Heineken to create ‘The Test’ campaign. The aim: to prove that watching football is more exciting when surrounded by friends.

During the test, they set up group and solo participants watching the UEFA Champions League fitted with wired headsets to monitor their excitement and joy levels.

Tasked with a series of activities, including performing a Mexican wave and singing along to famous footie tunes, the groups massively outperformed the solo participants with higher readings across both variables – thus proving the company’s initial hypothesis. Once solo and group participants were merged it was revealed to them, to their delight, that they would all being going to the much anticipated Champions League Final – together.




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