Extinction Rebellion plans to spray fake blood on Treasury go awry

By on Friday, October 4, 2019

In their latest stunt, the environmental activist group Extinction Rebellion attempted to douse the Treasury in fake blood from an old fire engine’s hose… with VERY mixed results.

Picture: Reuters

Dressed in black funeral attire the group stood on top of the old fire engine adorned with a banner reading “Stop funding climate death” on its side. The stunt was designed to criticise the role the Treasury has played in funding the fossil fuel industry.

However, as it turns out, controlling a fire hose to spray 1,800 litres of the liquid at the 100 year old building proved to be highly problematic. Protesters quickly lost control of the powerful water jet aimed at the Treasury building with the majority of the reddish liquid subsequently being flailed out over the pavement.

Mark Ovland, one of the protesters at the scene, said he was prepared to be jailed for the action. “There needs to be a real wake-up in terms of the money being spent by the government, decisions being made in this building are going towards a non-future. We’re funding billions in fossil fuel subsidies and carbon-intensive projects, and we just need a rethink otherwise we’re in serious danger.”



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