Why Miller Lite wants you to unfollow its social media accounts
By James Herring on Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Miller Lite has launched a new campaign today that makes a statement about dependence on social media
The beer brand commissioned a study on the habits of today’s generation of drinkers and found that while we’re spending ample time on social media, 50% of 21-27 year olds are meeting up with their close friends in-person less than a few times a month.
Miller Lite will be practicing what it preaches by rewarding consumers who unfollow the brand’s Facebook and Instagram pages with free beer.
“We understand it’s risky for a brand today to say that we want you to unfollow us on social media, when it’s one of the many ways we stay in touch with beer drinkers,” says Anup Shah, Vice President, Miller Family of Brands. “But we value those in-person connections and are committed to inspiring people to do the same, even if that means losing a few followers along the way.”
Additionally, Miller Lite is “going dark” on its social media accounts, taking a break from posting on its Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram channels to further encourage fans to embrace an in-person Miller Time with friends. Social media influencers will also be deployed to amplify the new campaign to encourage and inspire Miller Time amongst friends.
Credit: DDB Chicago/director Ringan Ledwidge