Snickers pranks consumers with Bounty bars to prove a point

By on Friday, December 13, 2019

You’re not you when you’re hungry. Something Snickers have been telling consumers for over a decade.

To prove their mantra, Snickers conducted an audacious prank in France—a product release of Bounty bars in disguise!

Bounty divides the room like Marmite.. so if like me you think that Bounty bars are downright revolting you can imagine the reaction.

People got angry.

#Snickersgate lasted 24 hours before the brand fessed up and broke the punchline: “We’re not us when we’re hungry!”

Snickers were quick to point out that “the allergens are the same for these two products; the brand has not exposed its customers to any risks.”

Tell that to somebody who loathes the taste of coconut.

Agency: CLM BBDO



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