The two mile long PR stunt
By Natalie Owen on Thursday, June 14, 2012
Bridal dress designer, Gianni Molaro has designed a wedding dress with a record-breaking train nearly two miles long. It was exhibited yesterday on the steps of Trinita dei Monti Church in Rome to celebrate the opening of the designer’s new studio.
In March a model in a hot air balloon let the train hang down over Rome in her journey across the capital.
It took thousand of seamstresses to make the dress, Gianni also unveiled a bizarre breast dress in January at Alta Roma fashion week.
It appears this designer may be on the same wave length as Lady Gaga’s fashion sense, Gaga also famously wore a dress made entirely of meat and has asked designers to make her a dress of live cockroaches after scientists informed her that the bugs liked her music, safe to say Molaro may be bidding to design the singer’s bug-tastic dress.