Is this greatest supermarket ad ever?

By on Sunday, January 31, 2021

This insanely surreal ad transports you inside the imaginary supermarket “Omega Mart,” where a deepfaked Willie Nelson will try to flog you groceries.

The dystopian grocery store ad was created by art collective Meow Wolf to help promote their Las Vegas installation.

The new Meow Wolf experience is an interactive installation that is equal parts ‘fun house, choose-your-own-adventure story and social commentary on American consumerism.’

Visitors will be welcome to shop the 52,000-square-foot Omega Mart for products such as Tattoo Chicken, Mammal Liquid, Plausible Deniability Laundry Detergent and What Is the True Essence of Butter?

The more than 150 products on show are actually real. Customers can purchase a jar of Nut Free Salted Peanuts (salt)

Get me on the next available fight to Las Vegas!

Book your tickets now to visit Omega Mart, aka “America’s Most Exceptional Supermarket”

Agency: Wieden + Kennedy




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