Mastercard is using the card expiration date as a tool to raise awareness of wildlife extinction
By Bela Pitamber on Thursday, June 3, 2021
The loss of habitat and potential extinction of wildlife, continues to be a shared and pressing concern. Currently there are one million animal and plant species threatened, however more and more people are expressing their intent to support in helping protect the environment.
Together, Mastercard and Conservation International have created The Wildlife Impact Card. The idea: to turn the card expiration date into a tool to raise awareness about the importance of protecting wildlife. Whilst also allowing people to do their part for the environment.
The Wildlife Impact Card program serves a noble purpose. Consumers will be able to donate to charities which support and make efforts to conserve the habitats of critically endangered species worldwide, including the Sunda Pangolin, African Forest Elephant, Peruvian Yellow-Tailed Woolly Monkey and the Black-and-White Ruffed Lemur.
Devised by McCann XBC, The Wildlife Impact Card Program is available to issuers globally, with its first card offering launching in the US. In collaboration with Usio, the virtual prepaid cards are available now to be added to any mobile wallet, whilst the physical cards (made from 100% recycled materials) will launch later this summer.
To help further safeguard and restore wildlife habitats by 2030, including priority zones which equal to 40 million hectares of landscape and 4.5 million square kilometers of seascape, $1 will be donated for every card purchased. There is an additional opportunity for consumers to provide extra support to the cause by donating to Conservation International through the Mastercard Donate Platform.
To purchase a Wildlife Impact Card or to learn more about how you can help protect the habitats that are home to diverse wildlife and Critically Endangered species, please visit: