Now you can buy a ‘Karen’ action figure

By on Monday, August 15, 2022

The antagonist of the meme universe, Karen is being given her very own action figure – with a ‘live, laugh love’ t-shirt.

We can only imagine the level of fuss ‘kicked up’ for Karen to materialise in action figure form. The creative – and very funny- move from toymaker Namespace LLC has posited that it is about time Karen took her place alongside some of the other iconic villains lining the shelves.

And bringing out the worst in her, it seems, is her nemesis: the poor, underpaid ‘Joe the Manager’: the individual forced to bear the brunt of Karen’s tireless toiling.

The figurines are modeled after vintage action figures and stand at the typical height of 3.75 inches.

Both will be packaged in the same style of blister packaging one might find a Spider-Man model in, equipped with bright colors and pop-art drawings of Karen and Joe.

The dolls come in two packaging types—‘Classic’ and ‘Modern’—with the latter slightly departing from the quintessential art style of the action figure with brighter colors.


Namespace is hoping to raise $30,000 on fundraising platform Kickstarter to secure funding for the production of the action figures, which will be sold at $18 a pop.


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