Deliveroo UAE serves up delivery disasters with their one star cookbook
By Zara Wilson on Wednesday, November 16, 2022
A disaster delivery, we’ve all been there. Bumped, smashed, dropped, late, incomplete – there are multiple ways to ruin what was once an anticipated meal.
Deliveroo UAE pride themselves on excellent delivery quality and training, it is their guarantee. To reinforce this message, they have launched a One Star Cookbook. A cookbook full of dishes inspired by online one-star reviews from nightmare deliveries.
One Star Cookbook contains 36 creations made from real delivery disasters stressing the importance of delivery as the perfecting touch to a meal. Each dish is a reminder of how hard Deliveroo UAE works to ensure a perfect service.
To get your hands on this book you can register your interest on the site however this is based on a first come, first serve basis.
George Schempers, head of marketing at Deliveroo commented, “We know things can go wrong during the delivery process, as the internet full of one-star reviews shows. But Deliveroo is a company that’s always going to try harder to get it right. This is our pledge to our customers and what drives us to constantly improve, whether with driver training or customer service. Sure, we may also get it wrong sometimes, but no one is doing more to make sure our customers are happy… and this is a commitment we won’t waver from.”
Jamie Kennaway. executive creative director at ‿ and us added, “The insight is clear — when it comes to food delivery, the simple fact is that no matter how good the restaurant, chef, or ingredients – a dish is only as good as how it is delivered. If a dish is messed up in delivery, it’s ruined. It made us think that the delivery itself is a crucial part of the recipe.”
Each dish was designed and written with the same level of detail as any high-end cook-book, and can be recreated with the delivery mistake central to the recipe.