Surreal sells billboard mugshot space for a fiver
By Zara Wilson on Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Have you ever wanted to be plastered on a billboard? Name in flashing lights? Well cereal brand Surreal is offering just that – well maybe not the flashing light’s part.
Cereal brand Surreal has offered the public a chance to get their faces on a billboard campaign for just a fiver, a ridiculously low price, as part of their Black Friday tactic.
Passer Byers who decide to participate can contribute a picture to the billboard campaign which will run at the start of 2023. The billboards will advertise the sale of ‘weird’ items. From stolen pint glasses to a Tamagotchi digital pet rescued from the 90s. Other items up for grabs include ‘strongly-worded emails’ and a jar of crumbs said to originate from a competitor cereal brand that has been ‘ground into dust’.