Creative Porsche marketing stunt targets wealthy homeowners
By Rich Leigh on Monday, August 6, 2012
In a bid to book more test drives for Porsche dealership Pfaff, Toronto-based marketing agency Lowe Roche agency came up with this brilliant idea.
A brand new Porsche 911 Carrera S was driven around an affluent North Toronto neighbourhood and parked in front of the driveways of some very, very nice houses. The $90,000+ car was photographed to make it look as though the car was pulling out of the houseowner’s driveway. The picture was then printed inside a van parked nearby and, then, added to a template to form part of a live customised direct mail shot, which was then posted to the respective houses.
32% responded to a website where they could book a test drive according to the video below. To put that in perspective, according to the Toronto Star, advertising professor Tom Arhontoudis called the rate “fantastic,” given the fact that banks and insurance companies “high-five themselves” when 2 per cent of people respond to their direct mailings.
Source: Simply Zesty
Involved agency: Lowe Roche