Dead Island 2 introduces ground breaking insurance policy to “take control of your afterlife”
By Trixcel on Monday, April 24, 2023
Dead Island 2, the highly anticipated video game from Deep Silver, has joined forces with a UK insurance provider DeadHappy, to launce an exciting new “deathwish” policy.
The deathwish policy includes instructions for your loved ones to both zombie-proof your remains and to provide “a wake to end all wakes,” with your loved ones raising a toast to your memory while enjoying a celebratory Californian getaway.
DeadHappy seeks to shift the taboo conversation around death and funeral planning and so, designed this to help individuals take control of their legacy and ensure that their wishes for after their passing is carried out.
According to their recent press release, 40% of a sample group of 2000 adults expressed that they “really don’t want to return from the dead as a flesh-eating zombie” as well as a spider, a vampire, or werewolf. While this may seem like a strange statistic, it speaks to the importance of considering all options when planning for one’s passing.
The Deathwish policy comes with a price tag of £8000 and is not legally binding. However, by communicating your wishes to your loved ones and taking out a life insurance policy, you can help ensure that the associated costs are covered.
While DeadHappy’s deathwish policy is only hypothetical and inspired from the popular zombie-themed video game Dead Island 2, it serves as a great reminder of the importance of being prepared for unexpected events.