Heinz’s little pot of horrors – ketchup sauce

By on Thursday, September 28, 2023

In the biggest national divide since Pineapple and pizza, Heinz’s new campaign highlights a food combo that may rival that controversy – pasta and ketchup.

Its latest product encourages the, maybe weird, maybe wonderful, dish to create a tomato ketchup pasta sauce.

This comes as a result of the study in which 8% of those surveyed said they regularly eat pasta and ketchup, the study also realised that it was most consumed by 18 – 34-year-olds.

However, the sauce is actually only 10% ketchup, the rest made up of ingredients one would usually find in pasta sauce, like herbs and tomatoes (in their natural form).

This product is available for 4 weeks only, after which maybe the world can quit its bickering. You can pop down to your local Tesco to grab a jar (if you dare being seen doing so by the Ketchupasta haters).


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