Eurovision takes to the skies as EasyJet hosts magical fan flight
By Tawanda Kazembe on Wednesday, May 8, 2024
As Eurovision’s official partner, easyJet have taken the party sky high with some of the UK’s biggest Eurovision fans!
Yesterday, easyJet flew a group of superfans from Gatwick to Malmo to celebrate the beginning of the semi-finals. The group encapsulated everything Eurovision stands for, from their unparalleled enthusiasm to their eccentric outfits.
The flight was far from what you’d normally expect… Fans enjoyed the themed baggage drop-offs and the on-flight talent show before being greeted by Drag Race star Tia Kofi, who hosted the day’s festivities and made sure energy levels were kept to a maximum.
Superfan and OAGE member Catherine Donald said, “The flight EasyJet laid on for us today was the ultimate treat for any Eurovision fan who loves to celebrate the glitz, glamour, and unity of Eurovision. I can’t believe what an amazing experience it’s been so far, and we haven’t even left the airport yet”.
With the Finals set for this Saturday, the buzz is starting to pick up throughout Britain. A survey carried out by EasyJet found more than a third (35%) of the country will be tuning into this year’s singing contest, with 36% of those planning to attend an event celebrating the competition.
“easyJet is proud to be part of the Eurovision phenomenon, providing a glittering platform for fans to start their Eurovision journey,” said Michael Brown, Director of Cabin Services at easyJet.