Cloud Watching 2.0 With Air France

By on Wednesday, November 28, 2012

By this time of year, with the rain pouring down and the wind sweeping through, the rather seasonal pastime of cloud watching hibernates until spring. What’s the use in looking up when all you’re going to see is grey? No cloud faces, no cloud animals – but what about cloud songs?

Enter Air France.

They’ve created an app, where all you have to do is scan the sky with your smartphone and you’ll find it littered with songs ready to be streamed. It’s also regionalised depending on which country you’re in; so you could be discovering some j-pop in Japan, podhale in Poland or bossa nova in Brazil.

Very innovative and serves as a decent form of engagement from the airline for people on the ground.

Take a look at the video below and see what you think:

Involved agency: BETC (read all about this campaign here)

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