Police Play Santa Claus
By Jonathan O'Connor on Monday, December 24, 2012
Here’s a story that’s heart-warming. Kind hearted coppers came to the rescue of three Coventry kids who had their Christmas presents stolen.
Callous thieves broke in to an empty home belonging to the mother of a 35-year-old father of three who died earlier this year. They stole children’s presents hidden at the house to remain a surprise until Christmas day. The family have three young children – including eight-year-old twin boys.
City officers were so moved by the burglary they raised £200 from a tuck shop at Coventry Central Police Station – a figure matched by city toy shop The Entertainer – to help replace some of the stolen presents.
Not necesarily a PR story but it won’t have done the force’s reputation any harm at all. Merry Christmas!
Source: Mail Online