Canada’s Prime Minister offers a ‘day in the life’ through live tweeting
By Maryn Edwards on Tuesday, January 29, 2013
There has been much debate recently in the celebrity Twitter world over who is really typing those 140 characters – the person, or their team of social media strategists. While some utilize signatures to identify the writer (First Lady Michelle Obama – @FLOTUS – signs her tweets -mo; those without that signature have been sent by her staff), not everyone follows this same code, and it can lead to confusion and controversy.
Take, for example, the Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. In November, Justin Bieber was accepting a Diamond Jubilee Medal from the Prime Minister, and the Biebs decided to forgo formalities and show up to the official ceremony in denim overalls and a backwards baseball cap. While media and commentators flooded the airwaves with complaints, the Prime Minister’s official Twitter account sent a tweet defending Bieber and making light of the situation. However, as The Toronto Star reported, no one was really sure if it was the Prime Minister himself sending the tweet, or one of his staffers trying to diffuse a potential PR crisis.
Yesterday was different. The Prime Minister invited Canadians to follow his every move for one day through Twitter. Dubbed #dayinthelife, the feed followed the PM from having breakfast with his cat, to attending meetings, doing his “homework” and giving high fives in the hallway. While staffers supported the Prime Minister’s tweets by taking photos and video throughout the day, it gave rare insight into his daily political life, and offered a balance of serious meetings, and informal interactions.