wins with #tweetheart Valentine's Day campaign

By on Friday, February 15, 2013

In a very sweet Valentine’s Day PR campaign by Manifest London for, declarations of love sent over Twitter were turned into ‘live gifts’ for Valentine’s Day.

Londoner Helen Kenny walked out of her flat to discover two Victorian living statues who read her a romantic passage from her favourite book, Pride and Prejudice. 

Paula Figgett was surprised on her way back from a meeting when she was serenaded with a song custom made from her friend Lorraine’s tweet to nominate her for a #Tweetheart surprise. She calls Paula a ‘little ball of love’. AWWW!

Musicians A D Smith and Edwin Ireland made a very special memento for Nicola Harman and her husband Ian Davies, who sing a song about toast to the tune of Human League’s ‘Don’t You Want Me Baby’!

Matt Read was serenaded outside his office on the HMS President with a special song based on the tweet sent

in to nominate him for a #Tweetheart surprise.

The resulting videos are so sweet they’ll melt even the most cynical cold heart (as in MINE!) and prove Valentine’s Day is about more than the usual flowers, hearts and stupid cupid.



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