Tenuously does it – Love Hearts factory ‘most romantic workplace’

By on Saturday, February 11, 2012

According to Swizzels Matlow – the confectionery company behind Love Hearts, the sweets with lovey-dovey messages inscribed on them – one in four workers at its factory is in a relationship with another employee there.

Love Hearts factory most romantic workplace

Of the 500 employees at the North Derbyshire factory, 122 are in relationships with each other according to this Daily Mail article (and this slightly more informed article on the Telegraph), based on a release sent out to coincide with Valentine’s Day.

Whether true or not, the story has certainly got people talking. Retail editor Harry Wallop (the same journalist Ben and Jerrys targeted with a personalised tub the other day) says the claims could be plausible:

“New Mills, on the edge of the Peak District, as well as being very beautiful, has a population of fewer than 10,000 and Swizzels Matlow is the area’s largest employer – if you are going to meet anyone it’ll be while making Parma violets, Refreshers or Mr Chews.”

Tweeted by: Sharon Woodward


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