Swap your fags for swag on No Smoking Day
By Louise Moran on Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Want to give up the ol’ cancer sticks? Blippar and the British Heart Foundation are marking NoSmoking Day by getting Smoky Joes to think of the things they could buy if they gave their nasty habit the boot.
The new Blippar-enabled campaign from the British Heart Foundation will hijack all cigarette packets from today, transforming them into augmented-reality content designed to help smokers quit. Using the popular Blippar app, any iOS or Android device can be used to blipp the packets, causing them to erupt in a cloud of digital smoke before being replaced with 3D representations of items the smoker could buy with the money saved if they quit, highlighting the health benefits to your lungs and your wallet if you quit.
Blipping the Government warning signs on any cigarette packet will cause the packaging to transform into one of three different scenarios, each displaying 3D representations of ‘swag’ smokers could buy with the money saved from giving up smoking. Family cinema tickets, gadgets and even planes and luggage reflecting holidays abroad will emerge from the packets in animated content, which then directs the smoker to WeQuit.co.uk, a website full of resources to help smokers break the habit – and start saving their lungs AND money.