Durex launches ‘Fundawear’. Letting couples touch each other over the Internet!
By Inderdeep Gill on Friday, April 19, 2013
Coming soon to a genital near you… Durex have claimed to have created the first high-tech piece of underwear, allowing people to touch each other over the Internet.
They’re aiming this at customers who are in long-distance relationships, and don’t want them to be left out.
Boxers for men and bras and knickers for women have been fitted with a series of mini-vibrators. They can then use a smart phone app to send signals from one phone to another, to set off the vibrations.
Ben Moir, technical director of the project, said, “After the laughter had stopped, we knew it was going to be an awesome project. People will want this.”
Here’s how the technology come about:
An insight into the fashion behind:
I hope to that this can only be ‘played’ with when both sides have the app open, would be very awkward if your partner starts tapping away as you’re shopping for your weekly food!