Super cool street furniture billboards – IBM

By on Monday, June 10, 2013

IBM - Smart Ideas for Smarter Cities

IBM – Smart Ideas for Smarter Cities

Ogilvy France has created a series of outdoor ads which double as a shelter, a seat and a ramp as part of its People for Smarter Cities IBM campaign

IBM - Smart Ideas for Smarter Cities

IBM – Smart Ideas for Smarter Cities

These are clearly not permanent features, and is more of an example of a PR stunt rather than advertising.

This blurring of the lines between what's 'real' and what is a 'stunt' is increasingly prevalent and interesting. More and more we are seeing ideas from agencies which seem to have been made principally in order to generate a secondary life online.

IBM - Smart Ideas for Smarter Cities

IBM – Smart Ideas for Smarter Cities

Does it matter if your poster or live stunt was only seen in reality by a handful of people when it goes on to be viewed hundreds of thousands or even milions of times as a Vimeo or YouTube film?

Follow Author @AndrewPCBarratt


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